Wednesday, 14 September 2011

How Was Europe Changed By The Crusades?

There were many changes in Europe as a result of the crusades. Some of the most significant was the intellectual development. They went out of the city to learn new things and see great cities, marble places, and other places. They learned a lot to help the country ,and it was known as the Revival of Learning. They used the new knowledge to invent greater and more useful things for the people in the city to use and help the citizens to make learning and life more advanced and easier to use in life.
Other changes included politics. Politics was important to the city because it broke down the old way of running the country which was feudalism. The city also gained many political advantages and found a better way to rule their citizens. This new political system allowed people to be ruled a little more fairly whatever their class in society is.
In my opinion, the most important change was commerce. Shipbuilding increased due to the increase in amount of trade. For commerce to be done, men had to sale and explore other countries and also to gather more supplies for their country. This lead them to gain more knowledge from many other native countries; So the city became better advanced and also became more richer because of the activity of trade or commerce. It also brought in many useful materials and supplies and different types of traditions to the city.

1 comment:

  1. 17/25 - You have written a broad outline which covers your main points. It is however, lacking detail. You need more evidence and to explain why something was important.

    T - Use evidence and try to explain things.
