Tuesday 18 October 2011

An Aztec's point of view

     On the saturday of 1519, an embassador from mexico arrived. We sacrafices some human bodies as a gift to our gods and to please them. During that ceremony, a boat came to our land andstrange white men steped into our city. Their leader could be Quetzacoatle coming for revenge and conquering our Aztec Empire once again. A war had begun. There were 300/400 Indians helping those conquerers, which we now know those Indians as traitors. These whites fought with sticks that spit out fire and they rode deer. This event was very wierd for an Aztec's eyes especially our leader Montezuma. Montezuma was very worried that Quetzacoatle would come and redeem his thrown.


  1. 35/50 - Some good points but lacks background. Try to avoid listing all the main points. Instead create a story around which you can add the information above.

    T - background to fill in.
